When the why is clear, the how is easyWhen you feel like quitting, think about why you startedWhen your why is big enough, you will find your howMark Twain said, "The two most important days of your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why."
Do you need to improve your grades?Maybe you want to keep the same grades but reduce your amount of study time?These study habits and tips are what top students practice on a daily basis.
Why do motivated people always talk about goals? Why do so many self help books include a chapter on goals? The reason is that they work. In this quick animated video you will hear three stories of how people used goals to accomplish great things.
Enjoy these quotes that I find help me in life. Each afternoon I go for my daily run and listen to motivating pod casts and books. If I here a quote that is interesting I stop and write it down. Here is my most recent list.
An inspirational video about the attitude one must have in life to find success at everything. This video has some of the best inspirational quotes and motivational quotes which you can follow to achieve success. Success is a step by step equation and does not happen by chance or luck. If you wish to be successful in life, you need to study successful people and understand what they are doing and how they think and react to situations around them. One of the best advice which can be taken is to...
How to succeed in life and change your life forever. Finding your purpose is the main reason as to why people find enormous success.Success depends on a lot of things, but the foundation depends on knowing why you wish to have success.How to succeed at anything, What is the main driving factor behind why people are successful and what you need to understand to be successful.
Successful people make tough decisions. This is one of the essentials to succeeding. Successful people make decisions and sometimes they get it wrong too. But they learn from it and move forward. Never do they stop making decisions. This video explains what are the 2 kinds of decision makers and which is the best one to choose. How to analyse and not make an emotional decision.
Everyone has dreams, only a few chase their dreams and make it a reality. How are they able to achieve their targets when you are not able to get your goals done. Its not because they were lucky or were born rich or the odds being in their favor. Successful people achieve success because they work towards success.
Ever wondered why some people are able to get more things done than you. Have you thought of how to increase your productivity? If yes, then here is an idea for continuous improvement. There are secrets to how you can do this and in this video i share with you one of the best ways and methods to increase your productivity and get the results you desire.
Top 5 success factors which mean the most. This is something which all successful people have in common and is the underlying principle of how to be successful in anything. This is the fact behind many motivational quotes and inspirational quotes that drives Business leaders. Most of people who attain a great level of success understand what are the key aspects which need to be followed.
The best guide for Telesales. How to make a telesales call. This video talks about how to use tone to make a telesales pitch. For all the people in the selling business, this video is a must watch. This video explains how tone plays a very vital part in telesales and how you should use your tone or modulate your tone and voice in order to get through to the decision maker.
A great Video on Positive affirmations, positive thoughts and how to be successful. This is a very powerful exercise which if you follow on a daily basis will get you massive results. You need to program your mind in such a way that you always have positive thoughts.
Motivating yourself and figuring out how to inspire yourself is something which needs to be done daily. Follow the top tips suggested in this video to find out the secret to motivating yourself.
Whatever business you are in, without the driving force of a missionyou truly believe in and are determined to achieve, your chances ofsuccess are very limited.
Many of us start the day feeling sleepy, grumpy and generally unmotivated. It dosn't have to be that way. This video cointains some motivational tips to start your day on the right side and be more productive, happy and positive. have a great day!
everyday I learn something new....I take my past experiences and habits, find the good in them, and apply them to my life now. Ive forgiven myself for my mistakes. And now mistakes are fewer and farther between!! ive accepted myself. ive dealt with my losses. now its time to move forward, taking baby steps to a better me!!!!
EXPAND YOUR VISION: So many people don't achieve their goals and dreams in life because they don't have a big enough vision for themselves. The biggest enemy lies within. Picture and see yourself achieving your goals, becoming financially independent, making yourself more valuable to the market place, or losing that excess weight that you have always wanted to lose.
You can never rise to the highest level of success in life without motivation. Many people have abandoned their greatest dreams and vision due to the lack of motivation to achieve those dreams. There are people right now in their graves who had great aspirations that never came into fruition. They were desirous, seeing themselves doing great things with their lives. They were passionate with their dreams. They took time to invest into their dreams. Nevertheless, along the way they lost the...
Here at WonderHowTo, we're excited to announce the commencement of a new weekly feature: Giveaway Tuesdays!, a WonderHowTo World that will 1) show off cool & inspiring things in the DIY realm and 2) give away cool stuff based on these things. (Yay, free stuff!)
The words we know and use shape the context in which we think, and changing those words in your internal processes can lead to dramatically different and better results. Watch this video to learn how words of affirmation and encouragement, spoken to yourself and to others, can change your outlook and improve every facet of your life.
If you've ever worked at a 9 to 5 job then you know that, as the week goes on, coworkers will start to complain. Some complain they've been sitting for too long, others complaint that they've had a bad day. Whlie there are things that happen to you that you cannot change, the way you deal with these situations determines how they affect you.
Just as English majors get tagged as being word junkies who will go on to become college professors or writers and nothing else, Mathematics majors get tagged as nerdy smart alecks who will also either become college professors or work at MIT as a researcher.
There are always certain situations that unnerve people. One of the biggest unnerving situations you may encounter is a job interview. The nervousness breaks out and you look like a total fool, but it's just the nerves. It happens. And why can't you control it? It's hard for some to keep their cool, but Chantilliscious offers up some advice on what she does to prepare for an anxiety-causing situation.
Heather Gold teaches us how to use "tummeling" in conversation mechanics in this tutorial. When you are having a conversation with someone, you need to know that it is not all about you. You will need to appeal to other people's interests and shift from everything being about you to the other party involved in the conversation. When you are performing or speaking in a large group, you will want to talk like a realistic person and make sure you are not saying something that isn't interesting or...
There he is, your boss wants ANOTHER TPS report, ugh, why do you even want to work this job anyways? And where's your red stapler!? Don't fret, turn your boring work day into a great one with these tips on how to brighten your mood and turn your boring work into something a little more exciting!
In everyday life, we don't really know whats going to happen the very next day. Things could just be surprisingly happy or terribly sad. When things are really downhill, just expect the unexpected. Think positive though because things will get better the next day if you are having a terrible day today than yesterday.
Living with quadriplegia requires a lot of adjustments. Physical therapy and occupational therapy are a necessity, after your physical condition has been stabilized. Physical therapy is necessary to regain and maintain as much coordination and strength and flexibility possible. The occupational therapy will teach you how to perform as many of your daily activities of living independently as possible. It is important to have emotional support. Attitude is important. You have to stay...
In this video from Creative Tips, learn how to help increase your personal productivity and stop snoozing! As a freelancer, it is sometimes hard to remember to get up and going without a boss breathing down your neck. Follow these useful tips and stay productive throughout the entire day, even if you work from home. Make more money and see more success by following a few simple tips.
Boosting your self esteem can be difficult, especially if you are not a naturally confident person. In this tutorial, get some helpful advice from Quinson Thomas on how to improve your quality of life by upping your self esteem. Self confidence often makes all the difference when we meet new people and try new things. Did you know that just by appearing confident, you can control a whole room? You will look 1000 times more beautiful and successful, even if you don't feel that way inside, if...
Keith Ferrazzi teaches you how to be outgoing. Although it is difficult to talk to people you don`t know, you might miss out on opportunities if you don`t. Only by reaching out to people, you will meet them and they may get to know you enough to perhaps be of help to you in your carreer. You have to learn how to speak up. One way is to pick a role model in your social circle who is outgoing and watch how they behave and listen to what they say. Joining a Toastmasters group is also recommended...
When it comes to confidence you must first understand where you are confident and where you are not confident. The video talks about people asking how to get confidence. If you are asking that question then you must be aware of an area of your life you are not confident. Also there must be areas of your life that you are confident even if it is by yourself making a cup of tea. If you are just being you and not measuring yourself against something or someone else then chances are that you...
Marie was asked by a viewer how to go about being more orally engaging with other people, as most attention he gets is attributed to the fact that he is very quiet, which doesn't sit well with him. Just like anyone else, he would like to get attention for the things he says, not for being quiet! He is under the impression that "cramming," or being knowledgeable on current events and other trivia will give him more to talk about and thus help him to be more talkative. Marie suggests, though,...
Marie Dubuque offers tips on keeping a conversation flowing and avoiding awkward silences. She suggests asking the other person about themselves. Everyone loves to talk about themselves, and sometimes if you ask one question they go on and on. Ask about their favorite food, favorite restaurant, how they get along with relatives. Questions about in-laws can lead to some interesting dialog and can get the conversation going better than it was before.
Keith Ferrazzi offers suggestions on how to be more outgoing. It can be painful but it’s not as hard as it seems. Talking to people you don’t know can be frightening, but what is even worse is that you miss out on opportunities to meet people. There are ways to learn to speak up.