Choose the Right Path
Making a choice
What do you do, when you do not know what to do? Perhaps, you do nothing. But such inaction may be unhealthy and even suicidal. Someone said, "The only thing for the evil to triumph is the good should do nothing". Many people have been in such a dilemma many a times in their lives. You may be one of them.
You can succumb or compromise to such a dilemma like most of the people and thus failed to become what you are capable of becoming-the person God wants you to be. You can be also among the few people who chose to achieve breakthroughs and used their potentials to the fullest making a difference. We called them winners. Now it is your decision to choose. The good news is you can always make a choice to be a winner.
If you have chosen to be a winner yourself, you need to make a move smartly and cautiously. You can make a smart and cautious move if you have a workable strategy. You can have a workable strategy only if you have a vision. So it is essential to study some area of your life and environment and also re-evaluate and re-introspect them.
Knowing who you are
Just look at the wonders around you; the twinkling stars, the moon that ascends the sky each night, the Sun that rises every morning, the unfailing seasons, the plants and trees in the hills and valleys, the fishes in the water, the air that we breathe and envelope us, and so on and so forth. Isn't it amazing the way God has designed, regulated and kept in force all in perfect harmony? All the things both living and non-living working together harmoniously is an enough evidence that there is a Creator. Nothing happened by chance. You are not an accident. You are special and a unique creation of God. So also any person you know.
Humans have been distinctively endowed with particularities and shaped uniquely. Consider the uniqueness of the fingerprints. No two people on earth are alike. Look at us, some are white, some black, others brown and yellow. We are like flowers in varieties in God's garden and each one of us is wonderful to Him.
You usually do things according to how you are shaped physically, mentally and spiritually. Therefore, it is very important to know why you are shaped uniquely.
Understanding the Purpose
You have been shaped uniquely for a purpose God has planned. When He created the first man and woman, He blessed them to be 'Fruitful''. The same blessings holds true for you today. He wants you to be fruitful (by right living) and grow up physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. When you multiple your potentials and live well, it brings glory to Him. It said, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven". He takes pleasure in seeing you grow and shine.
The idea is, anything that is good, helpful and brings glory to God is worth the purpose and worth living for. So, you have to strive to be fruitful in whatever you do. Here, the means is as important as an end. Somebody said, "The greatest achievements are those that benefit others". You have not grown up as long as you are the only beneficiary of your purpose and resulting actions. It should also benefit beyond oneself.
When you have this sense of belonging and ownership in the welfare and destiny of mankind, God is delighted and you fitted well in His Plan.
Then, what particularly do you have to choose, to do, in order to utilize your potentials to be fruitful? You can called it a medium, way, career, profession, types of job, employment or anything you can be good at, which may even become a basis or source for your daily sustenance or livelihood. In a nutshell, what are you called to do to be fruitful?
What is your calling?
You must prayerfully consider your calling. There may be numerous ways to find out your calling but one good way is to analyze your responses towards situations, things or people in your day-to-day life. You will find that you are responding, or challenged, according to your interest or the way you are shaped.
Finding out what you are interested in is the first step to identify your calling. Doing or willing to do what you are interested is the following step. You may be interested in watching movies but you may not be interested in directing or acting in one. So, the question is, do you enjoy doing what you are interested in?
If yes, then are you good at it or is there a good possibility to enhance your potentials? If the answer is yes again, then that is, perhaps, your calling. Having understood your calling, always abide by it.
Sometimes, along the way, you may start to feel that you are not interested anymore though you are good at it. Such a thing could be temptations or probably you have been sincerely wrong in your earlier choosing. It could also mean that what you have been doing is preliminary to 'something more'. So, when you encounter such a situation, prayerfully consider it, and also re-evaluate and re-introspect them again. Whatever, do not lose heart, you can always make a choice to be fruitful and be a winner.
However, life is full of surprises. If God intervenes in whatever forms amidst all these, just trust and allow Him to lead you on. Let Him have His way.
Make a strategy and just get started
Now, just think big, you are special and your calling is wonderful. Form a vision, a long-term goal, a dream you wanted to achieve or attend as you go ahead with your calling- a catalyst, which is going to make a difference.
Then, its time for a smart and cautious move so make a workable strategy patiently. Refine your temperaments, acquired skills and qualities, gather your resources, survey the avenues, and opportunities (or create one). Do not think of the problems but solutions. Nobody is immune to problems; even the Lion has to fight off flies. When it is set, just get started by moving out of your comfort level. They say, 'A cat in gloves catches no mice'.
Moving out of your comfort level means exposing and stretching yourself to the way of fruitfulness. You are most vulnerable at this stage. A rubber band is effective when it stretches, though most vulnerable at that stage. It is of no use if it does not stretch. You are effective when you expose and stretch yourself.
Many people with potentials rots in obscurity because they were scared to make the first move-the first step to be a winner. Perhaps, they are scared to fail. They will never make it unless they move out of their comfort level. Do not be like them. You can do it. You never know what you can do till you try. So just do it.
Stay on the course
Having started, keep going. You will see no results unless you stay on the course. You have to steadfastly pursue your calling in the manner you have sorted your strategy. Listen to what Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest statesmen of our time, has to say about staying on the course. He said, "I am a slow walker but I never walk back". No wonder, the world knows him as the man of God. You are commanded to 'fight' because fighting is winning and quitting is simply losing. Remember, you have made a choice to be a winner.
God is not MIA
And while you are fighting, more often than not, you may grow tired and weak, and be tempted to give up. So, you would look around for strength and find God to be nowhere. You cannot feel Him anymore. "He appears to be Missing-In-Action (MIA) in your life" like Rick Warren, an influential spiritual Counsellor describes it. Then, just remember His promise, "I will never leave you nor forsake you". God is just there no matter how you feel and think.
Be a man on the camel
The other thing that can stop you from fighting or keep you away from the course is people's negative opinion. You can call it criticisms, poisonous rumours or even deathly accusations. Let it not effect you because a barking dog cannot harm a man on a camel. You know your purpose and calling, greater even, you have a vision. Ride on your vision. Be a jockey.
Bruce Lee, the martial arts legend, in one of his films 'Enter the Dragon' made an impression to a young student (in one of the scene) like this, "…when you point your finger at the sky if you concentrate on your finger, you will miss all the wonders of the heavens…". This is focusing on the vision. So, at the end of the day let the impression be "Dogs bark, but the caravan goes on".
Be flexible
Theja Meru, musician and youth activist, once remarked, "Blessed are the flexible, they shall never be broken". Being flexible does not mean compromising your cherish values and integrity but being open-minded about things, situations and people-openness to criticism, correction and willingness to learn new things along the way. It also mean to be able to adapt to new things, new situations or even new goals and thus, drastically changing your lane if it has become a question of relevancy. As such, ponder over it. It is essential. But be careful it may be a temptation. Whatever, since you already knew your purpose you will know what to do then.
Shout Hurray!
The word 'Hurray' is of Latin origin, which means 'to '. The crusaders during the Holy War were made to believe that if they die in the campaign, they would go straight to paradise. So they shout Hurray as a war cry. Let the shouting today mean you that you are going 'to achieve' your dreams and enable you to live your vision. So whenever, you are timid and scared, remember His promise of not being MIA and shout 'Hurray!' at the top of your voice. We are looking forward to see you achieve your dreams and be part of your vision.
Now, roll up your socks and strike your best foot forward. Hurray!
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